Stand: 24. September 2024
- - Akekho Ofana Jesu
- - All Night, all Day
- - An Tagen wie diesen
- - Bound for Jubilee
- - Die Rose
- - Eine neue Liebe
- - Good news
- - Gospelmesse (10 Lieder)
- - Hallelujah, Salvation and Glory
- - Happy Birthday
- - He is the Lord
- - Holy is the Lamb
- - I´ve got Peace like a River
- - Lean on me
- - Let your love rain down on me
- - Lied vom Nicht-Verstehen
- - Mambo
- - Ode an die Heimat
- - Somebody's knocking
- - Then sings my soul
- - Wasma ajelile (aus Ghana)
- - We`re singing hallelujah
- - You are the light
- - A Gospel Song of Peace
- - Can you hear the Angels
- - Glorious Kingdom
- - Tannenbaum
- - Whisper! Whisper!